
Our fundraising and volunteering opportunities.

Each year, Club Running hosts philanthropy events that raise money for charities such as Girls on the Run, Special Olympics, and UVA Children's Hospital. Club members can get involved by registering to compete in the events or volunteering to help organize. The efforts of our volunteers play a crucial role in making each one such a tremendous success.

April 2024's Run-a-Thon and Relay Fest raised over $650 for Club Running. Prizes included gift cards to local restaurants and Ragged Mountain Running Store merchandise. Further, the Philanthropy Committee's Bake Sale and Lemonade Stand raised an additional $250 for the Club.

December 2023's Holiday 5K raised over $600 for the Special Olympics. Prizes included gift cards to local restaurants and Ragged Mountain Running Store merchandise.

Philanthropy Committee

Club members who are interested in taking on a more involved role in the club's philanthropy efforts can join our philanthropy committee. Committee members help plan and organize philanthropic events alongside our executive board.

If you are interested in joining the philanthropy committee, contact our philanthropy chair.